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Date: Mon, 13 Jun 94 15:59 BST-1
From: Ofir Gal <ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Subject: Ofir's digest 13.06
To: gem-list@world.std.com
Message-Id: <memo.368113@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Precedence: bulk
In message <2tfkqt$2j2@dux.dundee.ac.uk>, bo.leuf@daggskim.ct.se said:
>> CTRL A - Select All
>> Shift CTRL A - Deselect All
>ctrl-A is rather easy to hit unintentionally. I would much prefer that the
>order was reversed:
> Ctrl-A = Deselect marked (all), i.e. "Abandon" selection
> Shift-Ctrl-A = Select all
I must stress again that my initial intention was to join the German
standard with Atari's one. Both use CTRL+A to select all item. I do not
think that changing such a well established key will help.
>By similar reasoning, "delete selected objects" is a very strong command since
>in theory "all" can be selected (which can in fact be an entire partition on
>I must here agree with the the expressed opinion that Shift-BS is _not_ the
>best choice for a destructive operation, since it is very common to type
I am aware of this, but what is the alternative? How about Shift+CTRL+BS
and Shift+CTRL+Del for line operations?
>As given however, these are very text(edit)-specific commands, and I'm not
Almost all apps handle text in editable fields, all these text operations
apply to these as well as text editors and WP.
>entirely happy with them even in this context. I feel that they can be defined
>in a more system-wide general sense and combined functionally with insert (see
>spreadsheets) as follows:
>Many programs do make a distinction between an internal copy buffer and
>external clipboard. Delete/insert commands seem best for the former, and
Yes, just allow the user to decide whether they want to use the GEM clip
or an internal buffer. This is the case in Everest and Papyrus.
>> CTRL D - Abandon Window (put in a menu or iconify)
>A better English mnemonic here might be "Diminish window".
>> CTRL F - Find
>> CTRL G - Find next
>> Shift CTRL G - Find previous
>> CTRL R - Replace
>> CTRL T - Replace Next
>> Shift CTRL T - Replace previous
>Now _why_ make this take more entries than really necessary?
An application does not have to implement these. The guidelines only say
that should you wish to implement these then use the above shortcuts.
>I am however rather unhappy with Ctrl-G as the selection here, since
> Crtl-G = Goto (line, page, whatever)
I have seen Alt+G used for this. CTRL+G is always used for Find Next.
CTRL+J may be used for Goto, the logical (English) mnemonic could be Jump
To. Any objections?
> Shift-Ctrl-D = Call up Find&Replace Dialog (with direction toggles)
Again, if you read the starting message for this mail list you will find
that the idea is to join the Atari and German standards which are already
well established. Anything else is not exceptable. WE ARE JUST GOING ROUND
In message <2tfkqt$2j2@dux.dundee.ac.uk>, Annius.Groenink@cwi.nl said:
>OK. Now I've seen at least 5 people (including myself) who would find
>it a prudent decision to swap control A and shift control A. Isn't
>this a typical point where we should implement a voting system?
There will be a vote on this although I strongly object to the idea on the
grounds that it requires each and every application in existance to
change. I do not think we will be taken seriously if we go for that and
our proposal will simply be ignored.
In message <2tfkqt$2j2@dux.dundee.ac.uk>, Annius.Groenink@cwi.nl said:
>Proposal v5:
>>CTRL Home - Move to top of page
>>Shift+CTRL Home - Move to bottom of page
>>ClrHome - Move to top of document
>>Shift+ClrHome - Move to bottom of document
>More standard is
> Control Uparrow Move to top of page
> Control Dnarrow Move to btm of page
> Shift Uparrow Page up
> Shift Dnarrow Page dn
OK, I will add this to the proposal. How's that:
CTRL left/right arrow - Move one word left/right
CTRL up/down arrow - Move to top/bottom of page/frame
Home - Move to top of doc
Shift+Home - Move to bottom of doc
Shift left/right arrow - Move to start/end of line
Shift up/down arrow - Scroll one screen up/down
>> What about standard key for fulling a window?
>> I use: *
>> And for zooming the window contents?
>> I use:
>> + for zoom in, more details
>> - for zoom out, fewer details
>> 0 for original zoom factor
>Yes. Pretty standard! I proposed this earlier. It should at least be implemented
>optionally, as I've done in Edith. It applies to practically any GEM application.
>(In Edith +/- means smaller/larger font).
I think this should use the CTRL modifier. How about:
CTRL * - Full window
CTRL + - Zoom in/larger font
CTRL - - Zoom Out/smaller font
CTRL 0 - Zoom 100%
>Is anyone actually reading upto this point?
In message <199406122018.AA252922313@relay2.geis.com>, dmj@genie.geis.com said:
> - The German developers had the sense to come up with their own
> - standard long before we did. Give them credit and try to cooperate.
>My point is that they developed keyboard shortcuts which make perfect
>sense to them, but are absolutely baffling to those of us who don't
>speak German. I find it pretty amazing that you want to "marry" two
No way, if you take a look at the German way of doing things you will find
that there are only a very small number of diffs with the American
(Atari/Compendium). I don't speak German and I don't find German programs
baffling. In fact, the best quality programs tend to come from Germany.
>Here's an example, food for thought. What if you're working with an
>application which is *not* primarily text-oriented? This leaves
>unshifted letter keys suddenly available for keyboard shortcuts; this
I am working on such a program myself (voice mail for F030). I think you
should take a look at programs like Edith, ConNect, Papyrus, and others to
get an idea. If you wish to use the unmodified characters, use them for
program specific function. Are you suggesting that A is better than CTRL+A
or that Q is quicker than CTRL+Q? I'm seriously fed up with programs that
force you to re-learn everything.
>Then why are you bothering with us English-speakers? What I'm trying
>to say is that if you have a single standard which has some things
>difficult for English-speakers to remember, and some things difficult
That's not right. It will be easy to remember _anything_ if all apps use
it. Even CTRL+G for quit will be easy if _all_ programs used it.
>programmers, it won't be widely accepted--and I will not follow a
>standard which I think doesn't make sense.
Fine. I don't see why you are here then. A standard does not need to make
sense. There is no way where every keyboard shortcut is going to make
sense to everyone.
>Good point. Any standard which includes recommendations for what to
>do when you must deviate from it is more foresighted than most.
I have not thought about this yet. Can you think of reasons why you would
need to deviate from it? This would help.
Ofir ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk